Microfinance market
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Prof. Olivier M. Pamen - German Research Chair, AIMS Ghana
The goal is lower interest rates on the one side and a higher recovery
rate on the other. That will be beneficial for both companies and customers.
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Sheela Azuntaba - Innovative Microfinance Ghana
One of our biggest problems were delayed repayments. We weren’t sure
whether the interest rates we were quoting were wrong or whether we were
lending too much or too little. A model that can come close to predicting that
would be very helpful. When they came and said they could develop a probability
of default model, I thought they were joking. There is no data on the women in
the villages. How are you going to tell me what the probability is that they
will default? Then I thought, ok, let’s see what happens. So, we decided to
collaborate with AIMS. And here we are now. Really, every day they surprise us with
the fact that it is actually doable. We are already thrilled about the results.
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German research chair
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Prof. Olivier M. Pamen - German Research Chair, AIMS Ghana
If I train two or three PhD students, who then also train some students,
something could grow from it. Maybe a programme of our own. That was one of my main purposes: to
contribute to African education and to training graduate students.
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AIMS Ghana -- studying
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Somé Ganet - PhD student - AIMS Ghana
Students learn to think outside the box, not only in one direction: this is the only thing I can do with
mathematics. It opens up their brains to the various applications of whatever
theory we learn. Once I grasp the theories, the applications follow.
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Elizabeth Dadzie - PhD student - AIMS Ghana
AIMS is one of the institutions that helps keep talents in Africa. About 80 percent of graduates stay in their home
country. In my opinion, any student who graduates from AIMS is ready for the
job market because the training here is very intensive. By the time you finish,
you are prepared for everything. Anything you want to do, you are prepared for
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Prof. Olivier M. Pamen - German Research Chair, AIMS Ghana
The training my students get here at AIMS is
exactly the same as I gave to my students in the UK. They receive the best
training I can offer. This is the goal at AIMS: the best possible training for
students, just like in the UK or Germany.
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AIMS Ghana - living
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Prof. Olivier M. Pamen - German Research Chair, AIMS Ghana
After a stressful week you need some more energy.
Here you can cut all the pressure from work and recharge your batteries to
really start the new week refreshed.
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Prof. Olivier M. Pamen - German Research Chair, AIMS Ghana
We always welcome students at the research AIMS
Ghana for doing research. So, then it's not just AIMS, Ghana. In every AIMS
centre we are encouraging them to apply to do their MPhil or their PhD. I think
it's a great opportunity to do it as they will be in an environment that will enable
them to focus on their research and also to do other things which will enable
them to grow.
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